Friends and Family Blog
Announcing Our New OceanPower Ocean Mineral Topical Spray!
Your New Natural Pain Reliever!
The perfect companion for our original classic 8oz ingestible is our new OceanPower Topical Mineral Spray . . . easing pain, delivering restful sleep and improving your health. Now you can receive the benefits of our ocean minerals inside and out . . . and here's how.
While our classic 8-oz serves the needs of your digestion and metabolism perfectly — OmniBlue is fundamental to over 3,000 physiological activities every day — OceanPowerTopical spray enters our sparkling array of minerals through the microcirculation of your skin. The outstanding benefits?
OceanPower is your natural pain reliever; it is just superb. What is in OceanPower? We combine organic aloe vera for its emollient and skin nourishing properties with our ocean minerals. With just four sprays, you receive 293mg of pure ionized magnesium, 63mg of potassium, very low sodium, and 726mg of ionized chlorides — the worlds most potent delivery of electrolytes — and all of our 70+ balanced trace minerals. OceanPower's native properties help to ease your pain . . . spray on and smooth into your skin, tissues, and muscles. Excellent for soreness after sports, muscle cramps, sore necks, inflammation in joints and hands; these are just some of the ways OceanPower can make you a better day!
OceanPower is conducive to deeper sleep as well; just spray onto your feet and chest before sleep and feel the minerals and aloe soothe your nerves and prepare you to sleep like a baby.
Please watch our website and social media for further news . . . and ENJOY YOUR NEW MINERAL BUDDIES for mineral goodness inside and out . . . OmniBlue's Original 8oz ingestible and OceanPower Spray . . . from Malcolm and the OmniBlue Ocean Mineral team to You . . . make your day special because you are . . . and get out in Nature!